The broker

The figure of the Broker

The Insurance Code defines the Insurance Broker as the subject who carries out the professional activity of insurance intermediation and advice on behalf of a customer and with no obligation towards insurance companies.

Brokers draw up and select insurance contracts and offer help and advice on the implementation of a correct risk transfer, as well as managing claims.

In Italy, insurance brokerage services are subject to control by the supervision authority IVASS (Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni – Institute for Insurance Supervision), which manages the register of insurance brokers to which Mansutti srl is registered with number B000118869.

The Broker's services

Our services are based on the fundamental Risk Management principles.

We are at our customers’ service: we protect their interests by supporting them and acting as a point of contact with insurance companies in order to obtain a correct insurance cover quality/price ratio.

All our Account Executives have vast experience, also acquired at major Italian and international companies.

Code of Ethics

We are members of AIBA, Associazione Italiana Brokers di Assicurazione e Riassicurazione (Italian Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers), the sector’s main association.

A Broker’s activity must be based on principles of professionality, independence and transparency towards customers, insurers and colleagues.

Each Broker observes the provisions of the Code of Ethics and any violation results in the application of the disciplinary sanctions provided by the Association’s Articles.

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